
Explore together

(The new name for the Sunday Groups)

This will take place during the Sunday morning service

This will take place during the Sunday morning service

  • Exploring the Bible together
  • Hearing from God
  • Learning from each other

Each week we will explore a different passage or story from the Bible using these zones and some questions to help us think about what God wants us to learn

Colour Zone

Explore the Bible with pictures, pencils, chalk, paint and other exciting things

Busy Zone

Explore the Bible with Lego, Play Doh and more creative things

Chat Zone

Explore the Bible by talking through some questions with the leaders and each other

Word Zone

Explore the Bible using your own words and writing your own thoughts

Quiet Zone

Explore the Bible in a quiet space where no-one will interrupt you or ask you lots of questions!

Moving on

Once children start secondary school they move on to our Bible Class group